You can contact us by calling 07534 332042 or 01376 562346, or by email on emails and voicemails will be answered as soon as possible If you wish to contact an individual Councillor, please request a call or email contact via the Clerk

Parish Clerk: Philippa Potter 07534 332042  ~  01376 562346

Responsible Financial Officer:  Steve Marriott 01376 562346

Burial and Allotment Enquiries: 01376 562346

Parish Council address:  The Village Hall, 25 Stoneham Street, Coggeshall CO6 1UH

Village Hall Bookings Manager:  Polly Judd 01376 563653 (9.00am - 10.30am or voicemail)

Parish Council Chair - Cllr Ian Hagger Parish Council Vice-Chair - Cllr Trevor Plumb

OFFICE OPENING HOURS Tuesday and Thursday 10am to 1pm


North Ward                                                                 South Ward Cllr David Bugg                                                            Cllr Andy Badger Cllr Ian Hagger (Chair)                                                 Cllr Debbie Barry Cllr Trevor Plumb (Vice-Chair)                                      Cllr Jo Brindley Cllr William McMullan                                                  Cllr John Claydon Cllr Iain Ross                                                                 Cllr Geoff Heaton Cllr Tom Walsh                                                              Cllr Matt Wargent Vacancy                                                                         Cllr Sue Wilson

Parish Councillor Registers of Interests

The Registers of Interest for Coggeshall Parish Councillors are located on the Braintree District Council (BDC) website, and can be viewed at the following link:

If you wish to view the Registers of Interests in person, they are available for public inspection at the BDC offices, via the BDC Monitoring Officer.  Please contact BDC on 01376 552525 for more information.