On this page are details of Parish Council news and initiatives

Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022 passing Passing of Queen Elizabeth II

Clerks Report July 2021 2021-07-2 - Clerks Report

Correspondence to Councillors - Coggeshall in Bloom 2021-07-3 - Correspondence to Councillors

June Report to CPC 2021-06-5 -June report to Coggeshall Parish Council

Notice to Residents - Coggeshall Car Park 2021-06-6  6i. Appendix 6i Notice to Residents

Car Park Signage 2021-06-6  6ii. Appendix 6ii Car Park - Signage (1)

Car Park Implementation Plan 2021-06-6 - 6iii. Appendix 6iii Implementation Plan (003)

Coggeshall Climate Challenge 2021-06-6 - 7.  Appendix 7 - Coggeshall Climate Challange  Terms of Reference

Planning Application 21-01152-FUL 2021-06-8 - Appendix 8 - Planning App 21-01152-FUL

Mill House Property Particulars 2021-06-6 - 8.a Appendix 8a Mill House - Property Particulars

July 2020 - Statement on tree felling on land adjacent to Buxton Road, Coggeshall 2020-07-23 - Statement re tree felling

Coggeshall Neighbourhood Plan - Public Consultation After many years of hard work, the Coggeshall Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan has entered the final stage of public consultation before being adopted.  Once the plan is adopted it will become part of the development plan for the Braintree District.

Any person or organisation may make comment on the Plan or supporting documents.  The plan can either be viewed online or at the Parish Office in the village hall by prior appointment.  Contact the clerk on 01376 562346 to make an appointment. Coggeshall Reg 16 Poster

Road Sweeping Schedule - 2020 Coggeshall Sweeping Schedule

Precept Statement 2020-02 - Precept Statement

January 2020 - Update from County Cllr Robert Mitchell Parish Update January 2020 RG

December 2019 - Memorial Testing

Coggeshall Parish Council held a meeting on Monday 23rd December which was attended by a number of relatives who had expressed their concerns with regard to the marking of unsafe headstones in Coggeshall Cemetery.

The Council apologised sincerely for any upset that has been caused by their actions. The Council will be looking to amend their procedures so that the marking of unsafe memorials can be done in a more sensitive way in the future.

It was generally acknowledged that the Council has certain obligations with regard to ensuring the cemetery is safe for visitors and those working there.

It is evident that contact information for the owners of most of the graves is out of date and we ask that anyone who has relatives buried in Coggeshall Cemetery contact the Parish Office to check their details are current.

This is a major administrative endeavour and the council ask for your understanding during this process.

November 2019 The Parish Council are planning some exciting updates to the play equipment in the East Street Recreation Ground.  Click on the links below to see the proposed designs.

November 2019

Memorial Safety Testing in Coggeshall Cemetery

As part of its rolling memorial safety program Coggeshall Parish Council, will begin testing memorials in the cemetery in and around St Peter’s Church in Coggeshall.

As the land owner, Coggeshall Parish Council is obliged to undertake this work to ensure that its cemeteries are safe places for the public to visit.

Under this safety testing program all memorials over 625 mm in height will be tested by trained staff using industry approved testing procedures.

Any memorials found to be unsafe are either: laid flat; secured with a temporary stake; or cordoned off to ensure that they do not present a risk to visitors to the cemetery.  They will also be marked with as sign as being unsafe.

Coggeshall Parish Council does not fix any memorials, but will endeavour to contact relatives of the deceased so that remedial action can be taken.   Only British Register of Accredited Memorial Masons (BRAMM) members can fix memorials in the cemeteries.

Coggeshall Parish Council endeavours to carry out this with minimal disruption. However, we would ask that any visitors to the cemetery take note of the warning signs and exercise caution near memorials during this testing.

For more information contact the Parish Clerk


October 2019 Please see below the latest Environment Agency update on the Flood Alleviation Scheme Coggeshall Feering Kelvedon update Oct 2019

September 2019 Coggeshall Parish Council have sent their response to Braintree District Council in relation to the public consultation for the draft local plan 2019-09 - CPC Response to LP Consultation - FINAL

September 2019 We have been advised by ECC that Dick Nunn's Bridge is not safe and the footpath has been closed.  Please see the attached for more information. section14(2)CurdsHallBridge

July 2019 This is the draft response to the Environment Agency's proposal for the Quarry / Flood Alleviation scheme.  This will be discussed and agreed at the CPC Planning meeting on 29th July 2019 App 2 - CPC Response to EA

July 2019 The Public Consultation for the Environment Agency Flood Defence / Quarry proposal closes on 31st July.  The Parish Council will be submitting a response, but it is important that residents also respond.  Please use the link below. Environment Agency Public Consultation

June 2019 Please see the attached for information on overnight closures on the A12 during June and July 2019-06 - A12 Overnight works

May 2019 Essex County Council have advised the Parish Council of an application to divert a footpath.  Please see the documents linked below for further information. PN s119 Quarry MO Consult May2019 TempOrder May2019 Bradwell Quarry

May 2019 The Environment Agency are holding a public drop-in on Wednesday 22nd May at Christchurch, Stoneham Street between 3 pm and 7.45.  This is to present their proposals for a flood alleviation scheme.  This scheme will involve large amounts of soil, sand and gravel being removed south of the Blackwater in Coggeshall to create a flood plain.  See the files below for further details. Coggeshall Feering Kelvedon update May2019 CFK poster for drop-ins 2019

April 2019 The notices for the District Council elections on 2nd May have been published.  Insufficient nominations were received for the Parish Council and 12 Councillors have been elected unopposed.  There are two vacancies on the Parish Council which can be filled by co-option at the Full Council Meeting in May.  Please contact the Clerk if anyone is interested in being on the Parish Council. 2019-05-02 - Coggeshall District Election Coggeshall (North Ward) Coggeshall (South Ward)

March 2019 - District and Parish Council Elections The election of District and Parish Councillors is due to be held on Thursday 2nd May 2019.  Anyone wishing to stand as a candidate should complete a nomination paper and hand deliver this to Braintree District Council by 4pm on Wednesday 3rd April.  There are 14 Parish Councillor positions in Coggeshall and two District Councillor positions in the Coggeshall Ward.  Please see the Braintree District Council website for further information (link below). Elections 2019

February 2019 Coggeshall Parish Council have agreed to increase the Precept for 2019-2020 for the first time in five years.  Please see the attached statement for further details. 2019 - Precept Statement 2019-2020 - CPC Approved Budget

February 2019 The response from Coggeshall Parish Council to the Essex County Council Public Consultation on Future Library Services Strategy can be found at the link below. 2019-02-13 - CPC letter to ECC - Library

February 2019 District and Parish Council elections are due to take place on Thursday 2nd May 2019.  More information can be found at the following link:-

ELECTIONS – May 2019

January 2019 Coggeshall Neighbourhood Plan Sub-Committee have now gone to the first stage of public consultation for the Coggeshall Neighbourhood Plan.  This is known as regulation 14.  Questionnaires have been sent out and copies of the plan can be inspected at the library and other local establishments.  For further information, please visit the Coggeshall NP

December 2018 Coggeshall Parish Council are inviting tenders for the grass cutting contract which runs for a period of three years.  The tender documents can be downloaded from the links below. 2019 - Grass Cutting Tender - Maps 2019 - Grass Cutting Tender Information Grass Cutting List

December 2018 The Braintree District Council are due to meet on Tuesday 4th December to give a decision on the Bovis Colchester Road proposed development.  The Parish Council have objected to this application and our objection letters are as follows: 17_02246_OUT-PARISH_COUNCIL-1415018 17_02246_OUT--_COGGESHALL_PARISH_COUNCIL-1491026

July 2018 - Road Closures We have been notified of a number of local road closures.  Please see below for details and use the link for more information. 

Feering Road, Coggeshall Road, The Street, due to commence on 20th August 2018 for 5 days between the hours of 09:30-15:30.

Buxton Road, Coggeshall due to commence on 2nd August 2018 for 7 days.

 Houchin's Lane, due to commence on 10th September 2018 for 1 day

July 2018 - Tender Opportunity - Exterior Painting of the Village Hall We are inviting tenders for the repainting of the village hall.  The specification can be downloaded below and should be returned by 6th August. 2018-05 - Village Hall Exterior Works

19th January 2018 - Your opinion matters  Looks like we are in for a wet day on Sunday. Don't forget that there are two large scale planning applications in Coggeshall and a public consultation on the garden villages proposal. This is your opportunity to comment and a wet Sunday could be the perfect opportunity!

Dutch Nursery - Closing date 26th January 2018…/applicationDetails.…

Colchester Road - Bovis - Closing date 5th February 2018…/applicationDetails.…

Garden Villages (West Tey) - Closing date 22nd January 2018

Planning Applications Two significant planning applications have been submitted for new housing in Coggeshall.  The developers for the Dutch Nursery have submitted revised plans and a developer has submitted plans for 332 new homes off the Colchester Road. Use the following links for more information on the Braintree Planning Portal.  Both these applications will be considered by the CPC Planning Committee on Monday 29th January. The Dutch Nursery Colchester Road

Notice of Roadworks at Stanway - A12 Stanway bypass exit & entry survey works

Kier will be undertaking survey works at the above locations, on behalf of Highways England.

They plan to complete this work over a period of two nights, being in each location for a night on separate nights, with working hours of 8pm to 6am. The works at the A12 Stanway bypass will start Thursday 4 January, where a full closure of the northbound exit slip road will be in place. Works will then move to the southbound entry slip the following night, Friday 5 January, where a full closure of the southbound entry slip road will be in place.

Diversion Route A12 Stanway bypass northbound exit slip closure – Continue on A12 to junction 27, exit and re-join the southbound carriageway back to junction 26 and exit the A12. A12 Stanway bypass southbound entry slip road closure – Take Cymbeline Way off Stanway roundabout, onto A1124 London Road enter the A12 at J26.


December 2017 - Public Consultation - Garden Villages Following the public exhibition at Coggeshall Village Hall, it is possible for residents to comment online with regard to the Garden Villages proposal using the following link:-

Have your say - 30th November 2017 The Garden Communities are holding an Issues and Options Consultation regarding the proposals for West Tey and the other Garden Communities.  This will be in the Keys Room of the Coggeshall Village Hall.   Click on the link for further information and other venues. Poster Colchester Braintree FINAL

Police Precept Survey - November 2017 Please use the above link to comment on the Police Precept Survey - Closing date is the 19th November.

A120 Road Closures - 13th November - 18th December We have been notified that there will be overnight road closures on the A120.  Please see the attached for more information. Highways England A120 Marks Farm to Marks Tey maintenance works PC

October 2017 - Bradwell Quarry Extension - Public Exhibition Thursday 2nd November Please see the attached for details of the public exhibition which is being held at Bradwell Village Hall Site A5 Stakeholder Exhibition Leaflet 02-11-2017

August 2017 - Coggeshall Parish Council respond to the IWMF stack height application. 2017-08-31 - IMWF Response from CPC - FINAL

August 2017 - Refurbishment to the shelter in the East Street recreation ground Please note the shelter in the East Street recreation ground is being refurbished from Thursday 31st August.  The work is expected to take about 10 days.  We apologies for any inconvenience caused.

August 2017 - Draft Plan for Growth - Braintree District Council Braintree District Council are seeking the views of Businesses, Partner organisations and Residents on the draft plan and would greatly welcome input from both business and residents on this key strategic document. The consultation will run until the 30th September, during which time you can respond with your comments at any time using our online surveys listed below: • Respond on behalf of your business:…/581/en/business_questionnaire • Respond on behalf of a partner organisation:…/form/582/en/partner_question… • Respond as a local resident:…/583/en/resident_questionnaire Read the plan here…/braintree_district_draft_pla…

August 2017 - Braintree Governance Review - Public Consultation The first wide-ranging review of Braintree District’s Town and Parish Council parish boundaries in more than 30 years will start on Tuesday (August 1). Residents and other stakeholders will be able to have their say on the governance of their local areas in the first formal review since 1983. The review focuses on the appropriateness of: Parish Boundaries Number of Town and Parish Councillors Town and Parish Council Name and any warding arrangements Please see the following link for more information. Braintree Governance Review

July 2017 - Stansted Airport - Public Consultation A public consultation is taking place with regard to the proposed expansion of Stansted Airport.  An exhibition will be held on Wednesday 12th July at Braintree Town Hall from 3pm - 8pm.  See the attached for more information. Stansted Airport Public Consultation

June 2017 - Local Plan - Public Consultation Braintree District Council are holding a Public Consultation on the Local Plan in Coggeshall on Monday 26th June, at St Peter's Church from 2 pm - 8 pm.  Please see the attached for more information. BDC Local Plan Consultation

June 2017 - Public Drop In regarding the proposed incinerator The Environment Agency are holding a Public Drop In at Christ Church on Friday 30th June from 2.00 pm - 7.00 pm.  Please see the attached for more information. Environment Agency Drop In

April 2017 - Coggeshall Parish Council's response to APP17/00359/OUT - The Dutch Nursery 2017-04-12 - 17-00359-OUT - CPC Response

April 2017 - Please see below for the response from Coggeshall Parish Council to the application on the incinerator 2017-04-12 - CPC RESPONSE TO ESS-24-17-BTE-SPO

April 2017 - Please see below to response from Coggeshall Parish Council to the application for increased working hours at the Bradwell Quarry 2017-04-12 - CPC RESPONSE TO ESS-20-17-BTE

March 2017 - Please see below for the response from Coggeshall Parish Council to the A120 Public Consultation. 2017-03 - A120 - CPC Response

March 2017 - The Parish Council are inviting quotations for the re-decoration of the interior of the Village Hall (Main Hall). 2017-03 - Village Hall Decorating Specification

March 2017 -  Integrated Waste Management Facility (Incinerator)

The Environment Agency have received another application from Gent Fairhead for an environmental permit to include an increased stack height. There is a public consultation until 13th April with an exhibition at ChristChurch Coggeshall on Friday 31st March from 2pm - 7.00 pm.  Please see the link below for further details. Rivenhall IWMF factsheet - new application Mar2017

August 2016 - Stoneham Street Play Area The possibility of turning the children’s play area behind Stoneham Street into additional car parking has been raised on a number of occasions in the last two years.  A law firm specialising in providing advice to parish councils has advised the Council that no more than 800 square feet of this area could be converted into a car park under its control.  This would provide space for only 3-4 cars so would not be a practical proposition.

At its meeting on 8th August 2016 the Council voted unanimously to accept this advice.  The Council also voted unanimously to establish a working party with the brief to find more parking spaces within the parish.

February 2016 - Result of the Car Park Survey Please see the attached pdf 2016-02 - Car Park Survey Report