The Cemetery in Coggeshall is managed by the Parish Council, and is located at St Peter's ad Vincula Parish Church.
Burial plots and Ashes plots are available for residents and previous residents of Coggeshall. Fees and details are set out in the document below.
All memorials, replacement memorials and new inscriptions must apply for a permit prior to any works. Please complete and return the form below. The charges for the permit are set out in the Cemetery Fees document, and requirements can be found in the Cemetery Regulations Booklet.
Please contact the Parish Administrator for all enquiries, at admin@coggeshall-pc.gov.uk , or by phone, 07534 332084.
Cemetery Notice of Interment Form
If you are looking for details of historical burials some information can be found on the website of the Coggeshall Museum: https://coggeshallmuseum.org/family-history/. or please enquire via the Parish Council. A charge may be made for a manual search.